Thursday, September 3, 2015

Update/Phones stolen

Hey guys and gals.

Lisha here.

Got my phone stolen  near Chinatown. Its the second time this has happened. Sucks.
I have too many health issues and fam members who need to contact me, and also work and such to have my shit stolen. pretty pissed at:

David "Nero Drexel" Ellis for touching me and trying to make me a part of his harem when I was not sober enough to consent to anything. He even sent a picture of himself to my phone before I blackout *Keisha of SugarGamers never ever went to check up on me when this guy would NOT leave me alone. Cosplay does not equal conest

Tunde Turner aka Liquid Mojo: for cheating me out of content, money, time, brain health, sanity, and also for perhaps profiting off of our work or personal photos, and being a stupid bitch.

Jade Barry; a liar, who the fuck cares if you did porn? You were used for a 3some, not to get knocked up by the dude. You were not paid to stay or take someones man, or tell your x to "go kill himself " since he was depressed. I used to be concerned about your eating disorder andweight issues, and wanted for you to atleast have Black*Cherry  to hang out with, but you pretended that no one liked you so people could feel sorry for you.

Tomasa "Tomo" "Tomojewel" "Tama" Jackson: for being a fake ass "friend" /"gal sister"/ you tried my patience and used it up, wore it out. You wanted to steal my boyfriend, and L.A. and Johnny told me about you. You only said "sorry" when you were drunk. I was too nice to still even be cordial with you when you were trying to fuck my man at Xport when Murphy was at the dorms.

Anyway.... I;ll prolly bitch later.

I want my 2 goddamn black Hydrobvibes right now, because I have work and shit to actually do than do shitty make up, be a slacker, fail classes, poison people, rape people, or be a shitty person. Like my Ex used to say, "fuck it all".

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