Here are some Site updates!
- Added social media buttons! Yippu!
- Still sketching out ideas for a new banner but overall things are updated! Maybe fancier html stuff will be in order... but much later!
- Also updated my Tumblr and finally got around to making pages on there for my art and also other stuff! YIPPU! I am pretty happy with it now.
- I updated the Shoppe and Events tabs with some clothes and events and will keep those (more so the events) updated regularly!
- General Sites maintenance!
So, at least I can chill out about the look of the blog for now.... Just need to get the portfolio site in order more. @__@;
Aside from all that, I am trying to get the finishing touches of packing and prepping for July! I will be attending Anime Expo again. I am nervous or maybe it is excitement! I have a vague idea for my hair style this year.... but clothes... no clue! But, I cannot wait to see what my L.A. gals will be wearing and what items the brands such as Golds Infinity and Ghost of Harlem will be showcasing for this Spring and Summer collection!
Sadly enough, I will not be able to attend Anime Midwest again this year.
But, I do hope to catch a lot of pictures of the cosplays that will be done there!