Showing posts with label chicago. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chicago. Show all posts

Thursday, September 18, 2014

New Banner!

Whew! Not only did I update the banner for my Youtube channel...
New Youtube graphic

I also got to redo my banner for my blog too! 
Blog Banner design old
blog banner design new with flowers
The old one wasn't working for the new background I had. Too black and white and the size was just not ready too. For some minor changes, also changed some of the fonts too so its not too busy.
I feel like I should have thrown something fall-esque in there... like some pumpkins or leaves. Maybe I will pop something in there one of these days. hahaha 

So, I have been trying to find a second job or freelance these days. Having another month of no work is not really fun. I applied to a few retail shops and firms. I am trying to stay calm, but I feel like a tea kettle almost at boiling point. :/
Plus, my skills still need refining for normal life/career. *sigh* 

I feel super lost in this post college life. Some days feel really good and I get hopeful, some days seem bleak. I just want to wake up and have it be like a script... wake up from a play or something. lol 

I also don't really get Linkedin either. I was told several times I needed one, but it feels like another Facebook to me...just more boring! I know it is for work, but geez... (-__-;

Other updates... I have been working out and meditating off and on again. Sucks my diet is horrid at the moment. I miss my veggies! 

I have been doing more Youtube vids again! It feels kinda good. I am glad people are enjoying them! 

I am amped for the Alternative Fashion Walk hosted by myself and two of my ColumAlum, Brit and Krisi! I hope you stay tuned for pictures! 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Nascar + Sprint Event!

Before I went to my meeting with my Colum Alumni and former classmates on the 11th, I strolled from the Water Tower to the South Loop, snapping pictures and loving the grey weather. It was a bit chilly, and I knew it was fall already. Summer came and left too quickly! Oh well...

What's near the Chicago river?

As I was walking towards the South Loop where my school is, I noticed a giant screen right before you hit the Chicago River! Sprint Vision? Big screen? Huge crowd? What the hell was goin on?!
Sprint Vision?
Are they all going to the event too?! 
 I had to wander over here for a nice moment to see what was going on!

Toyota and Racecars?

Red M&M!

Even the Red M&M came out for the event too, ahahah!

Your Gyaru Racecar driver!
Let me be your driver!
 I had to...

Odd angle
Crop it like its odd!


Blue Racecar!

I don't think this particular racecar model was available to be sat in like the yellow one. Blue's one of my fave colours but oh well...

Painted Horse Sculpture.

Saw this painted horse dedicated to the police of Chicago.

detail on Horse

I liked the metal gears on his butt, but no Solid Snake here!

Cute Birds!

Random, but these cute lil birds stopped by the event too!

Toyota sound booth!

I wanted to be in this booth so bad! Or on stage talking as one of the hosts so bad! Maybe one day....?

2015s Camry Model. Toyota, Let's Go Places

Toyota Camry car model for 2015. Sleek, burgandy red, and not mine! :(

My City

Cute Doggy!

Cute lil doggy with booties! Too adorable for words, and very friendly too!

Sprint Vision Screen

Fox 32 Chicago

Eastern European guy I chatted with!
Eastern European guy who took my pic near the Chicago River.
 We chatted a bit before parting. 
When I was leaving the event after chatting with some fellas, (I actually got an age guestimation of 20 this time! I AM NO LONGER A HIGH SCHOOLER NOW! YIPPU) I got asked for my picture by this guy up here ^.  We chatted for a bit. He was here in Chicago til September for vacation. He seemed to like Chicago and might even come back! We parted near the edge of Millenium park where Cloud Gate sits.

For anyone attending the Nascar racing event, tell me how it was!! :D

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Wicker Park Block Party

Some of my old crew from my high school days and I went out to Wicker Park on Saturday to show some support to one of their friends from Columbia. I haven't been to the Silver Room since sometime last year for an art show.

Maybe its just me, but I noticed that they tend to carry a lot of Afrocentric goods there 
 along with jewelry and art pieces. 

Though there were various other "stages" at the back of the Silver Room, I stayed over here chillin with friends. 

"But did you do it for the Homies?"
The Crew! Aerin (dreads) looks very mischievous here. lol
After grabbing a slice of pizza and chatting it up with friends, we rode to Second City to watch two of my classmates do some sets. While waiting for them to go up, I wanted to see if I could do something like that one day. But then I remembered I am not a comedian, LOL. 

This place has birthed and helped sculpt a lot of todays popular and well known comedians.Some of them are Tina Fey, Joan Rivers, and Steve Carrell just to name a few.  If you want to laugh or make others laugh, defo swing by here with friends! 

No lens cuz I ran out of cleaner.
Coord. Denim Casual

1442 N Milwaukee Ave, 
Chicago IL 60622

1616 N Wells St. 
Chicago, IL 60614

Friday, July 11, 2014

Breaking the Habit: No More Workoholic, More Beach

Besides the Watertower, I really like this building.
After reading a few article about Workaholics, I had to take a step back to evaluate my naughty habit of trying to keep busy almost all of the time. Yes, the first time I tried to relax during a month break from work and being officially done with school I had a panic attack. Lame, right?

Even an old teacher had asked why I wasn't taking a year off to do practically nothing after college. And all I could think of  was 'that is bizarre... why would I do that?' You do that before you graduate, then you bust your ass to try to pay off everything. 

But...did I miss a memo or something?

Fall lip colour test
So, on Wednesday, I decided to just chill in downtown Chicago. I checked out the WaterTower mall first after a quick lunch. Katie wanted me to try a purple/lilac lip shade from Smashbox. After trying various purple shades, I settled on a natural shade, "Sugar Cane".  I might also see what the fuss is about non drugstore make ups! 

A doorman/security guard wanted me to come into the jewelry
shoppe that was near Oak Street Beach. 
Some of the pieces were beautiful, and their main motif is the quatrefoil for good luck, prosperity, health, and love. I favored the pieces with black onyx. 

Glass art and timepieces.
Bountiful clovers.

 I grabbed their catalog to check out their pieces while I am at home.
I really liked their bag. I am a sucker for nice shopping bag design. 

Rather be doing some sort of work. LOL

Human Gazing
 As I buried my feet in the cool sand, I gazed off into the sky or watch kids play catch with a football. 
I could get used to this... I think.

Stopped here for a little Italian treat.

Choco + Hazelnut gelato

Being busy (or "busy") all the time isn't a good thing. You are most likely wasting energy and maybe just doing filler if you can't stand doing-nothing-at-all time. I know from experience. Its nice to take a break every once in a while and recharge and cool down.

Ciao Ciao

Friday, May 23, 2014

Acen2014 Minicap

Acen season has made its way and has passed like the fleeting winds~
I got acquainted with Naoto and Ibi from h.naoto and Sixh. , the super adorbs Wake Up Girls group, and had laughs with the members of angela, a Japanese rock duo .

Here are some slightly behind the scene's pix!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Games, Chi fi, and Geekbar Oh My! (pic heavy!!)

This post is a mash-up of a couple events at once.  

On Saturday, I went to check out some of Chi-fi, doing blog stuff for SUGARGAMERS as well as for my own blog, albeit a bit late. I met a pretty passionate guy who incorporated cows and cow related themes with Star Trek. I should have been taking notes on his jokes though!

Unfortunately at an after-party/event, my drink was drugged on the second day of Chi-fi when I was dressed as a Matrix-themed Catgirl with a lot of the Chicago gaming community. I was harassed by a man who was banned (BANNED!!) at the convention, and I lost other footage for this article when my camera and phone were stolen off my person. The girl gaming group I came with didn't do anything, didnt even get a text back when i was trying to tell them i was on my way back. And the bystanders thinking I wanted to be bothered by someone I didn't know who was touching me inappropriately is  such a worse feeling. 

There was one painting I really liked that was blue and in a circular format. I wish there was a thumbnail on his site so I could see it again!

A maiden fair, maketh me a potion.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Macaron Day Friend Meet

March 24, 2014
On Saturday, Ami came to Chicago and hosted a Macaroon Day  meet up!

Ami and Purin

I met Japanese and Korean song cover artist, Naniko

Choco Cuties!


Choco Macaroons are definitely my fave.

Drop it like its hot, Moe Version!

Chocolate dilemma? More like a Chocolate solution!
I had a feeling that Naniko seemed familiar, but I was not sure. But, it was nice meeting more people from an online community. I missed the dinner and smoothie part of the day due to my schedule, but I was able to attend the Karaoke half! 

Pic courtesy of Naniko
Thank you for coming to Chicago and making the Macaroon meet!
Hope to see you again!