Showing posts with label harajuku fashion walk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label harajuku fashion walk. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Super Gyaru Weekend

A few weekends ago, Eteria of Champagne Pop wrapped up another Harajuku Fashion Walk in the City of Chicago. It was a sweltering day, but the participants, decked out from head to toe to make the meet up and make a fashionable impression from the WaterTower to Millenium Park.

Friends and supporters, and even local camerapeople were there showing their appreciation of the event. Passerbys were astounded, some even wanting pictures with some of the stylish participants.

The weekend was concluded with a gal styled karaoke party and sleepover.

Stay tuned on the LishaMisha22 instagram, and twitter for upcoming events, panels, official merch and moments from behind the Gyaru Fashion blog of Chicago.


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