Showing posts with label cosplay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cosplay. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Hi! Cosplay and Update

Man, convention season is right around the corner! I have a few ideas for cosplays, but it totally depends on if I can even get the materials for them or not. =________=);

My roommate is fixing up his friends cosplays, and I'm just sitting back like (oh... okies.... I guess I'll just imagine a cosplay out of thin air or something...)

But, I may do a more kosher cosplay of a Mortal Kombat Character though. There are quite a few I have wanted to cosplay as for a looooooooooooooooooong time.... and being a perfectionist..... welp.... doesn't help so much!

But, I did cosplay as Vespa from Sailor Moon way back when when I was in College though for a little project. I hope I didn't upset the girl who was making it though because I wanted her project to turn out super well! .... oh wells.

But, I hope that the next time I will be ready to take on the character again!

This is one of the MK characters I wanted to cosplay as!

Its a bit of an... ahem... revealing outfit, but there are always ways around that! ^w^;
I am thinking up something for sure.... Because I really want to get into that cosplay groove every once in a while. 

Other than that....

I treated myself to a delicious salad and pink guava coconut water! Yippu! It (the salad....duh) was green and lively!! With some fruit and almonds. My teacher wanted me to be a vegan/vegetarian about a year or so, but I will have to slowly find alternative ways of getting my fave snacks in too! I do love my ice cream and what not from time to time!! Maybe the core of my diet will be veggies and just lil extras of meat or fish from time to time. 

Does anyone else have a prob with keeping up with meal making and not wasting fresh veggies due to working etc? (>____<);;;;;

Saturday, July 26, 2014

B-b-but... You're Black!!!

Every so often, after however many months float by, similar questions always pop up in groups dedicated to gyaru fashion. These questions and concerns are not even limited to that niche group either. Even til this day, and maybe even for many years, it will still be a concern for Black people or POC who choose to express themselves beyond what is deemed "normal" for us. Even beyond hobbies and fashion.

Yes, people will wonder why you are into something that is not Afrocentric or considered "Black" or appropriate for Black people to do.
There is a huge world with a lot of things in it. Why limit yourself?

Yes, even our own people will wonder why we aren't acting or dressing "Black".
Being "loud" and or "ghetto" are the only ways we can be in this day and age?

Yes, people will probably think that you are ghetto for dressing differently or having unnatural shades in your hair.
Black people just can't win sometimes with some people!

Yes, people will think that Black people cannot be cute or kawaii, listen to things outside of rap or hip hop. Or shouldn't do anything beyond what is expected of us.
See above.

It sucks, it really does. But, are you going to let a few people and their shitty comments keep you from dressing like a Kawaii Cutie or Fabulous Gal? This even extends to the Cosplay community, or any community where Black people or POC want to branch off into.

Junko and Junji-Los Angeles

Miyabi-North Carolina

Amber-New York

So, gal, lolita, cosplay n00b$, if people try to mock you or say mean things to you because you are black and trying to do your thing, you get those doubts playing in your head over and over, pay them no mind, and rock your shit!

Go check out the tags with Black Lolita/Cosplayers/Gyaru and be inspired. 

Much thanks to those who submitted their pictures or let me use them!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Acen 2013 Recap

This year was Acen's Sweet Sixteenth! For this year, and with a badge provided to me from someone who is buying my silence... I mostly cruised around, looking for cute loli's or gyaru,  interesting things to buy or look at, and to meet up with some familiar faces.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

So... You Want to Wear Something Short?

I sometimes see gals post  about clothes being too short, usually skirt or dress wise.
I know you don't want a panty slip, or have your dress rise up when you are dancing or getting up from sitting down, or any other situation that can be embarrassing.

So what is the the best thing to do?
You can do one of two things:

kogal gyaru lisha cosplay, acen

Sunday, June 12, 2011

ACen Photos

FINALLY posting these pix from late May.
Please enjoy.
I didn't get a lot of shots, but there wasn't a lot of great cosplays this year in my opinion. I did gyaru style as usual lol and I met up with Dino and Alan to dance Koi Shita Ano Natsu with a group of his friends too.
Second day, Saturday, met up with Kira*Kira and Krystal plus Moga and Juli and Kevi.
Also drank with Alan, Dino, their friends plus an acquaintance Crys from school. I missed the rave though as the party was too fun.

My outfit for the para event with Alan and Dino <3
that belt makes my waist super tiny! :D

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Extreme Gyaru Style Guide UPDATE

The heavier make up and tan styles guide UPDATE  (12/15/2010) I read on a blog regarding gal make up, and I spotted some misinformation ther...