Showing posts with label gyaru. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gyaru. Show all posts

Monday, November 11, 2024

Eyelash Custom

DIY Project!       
Difficulty level 1 star

In the last bit of the summer break I had, I wanted to try out something new with my eye makeup. Not only did I use a different liner shape than I usually do and have done, I decided to do something different with my bottom lashes. If you remember me from a few years ago, I used to cut up and double up lashes to create my own look.
For this dolly gyaru eye make look with bottom lashes, I will guide you through the steps. Don’t worry, its super easy!

What you will need:
§  Diamond Lash  Sweet Eye
§  Eyebrow scissors
§  Patience

1.       Grab two bits of the Sweet Eye lash that you will use, 1 for each eye
2.       Gently snip the lash hairs a few at a time horizontally to your preference to avoid a really boxy appearance
3.       Carefully cut the holding strip twice to create 3 slender parts. This can be pretty tricky if your hands aren’t too steady!
4.       Store for later use or wear immediately!
And you are done! Look at you being all awesome!

Thank you for reading! Comments are appreciated and I’d love to see how your lashes turned out! 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Is Gyaru Racist?

Lately, one of the biggest topics in the gyaru community, outside of the validity of newer gyaru substyles like tropical gyaru and the blunders and controversy of a project that eggmag has been disappointing us all with, is "gyaru fashion is racist." Not just the extreme manba fashion from the early 2000s, but as a whole movement.

Japan- Gyaru Beginnings

For a quick history lesson on this particular subculture and its fashion, there were girls who rebelled against Japan's beauty norms of pale, white skin, being modest, quiet and subservient by tanning, being materialistic, and partying. As time passed, girls involved with the style seemed to want to outdo each other, or to just push the limits, to stand out even more. This brought upon changes of the next popular accessories and clothes, to bleached/dyed hair, and affected the makeup and also their intensity of their tans. Some of the notable trendsetters and icons at this time were Buriteri and the gyaru circle Angeleek

Gaijin Gyaru Community Debates

Some people don't see the more extreme elements of the subculture as problematic at all and shut down healthy, polite discussions, to people who are doing their best to educate others on how the more extreme versions can come across to Black/African American people. That the usage of box braids and dark foundation is blatantly insensitive and there should be no excuse whatsoever. I have even come across a creator that have reached out to a popular Japanese gyaru about her darker foundation usage only to be blocked. 

For Black people who cannot pass for any other ethnicity, I can see how jarring and bizarre the fashion can come across. Why are they so DARK? Whats with the makeup? Why are they choosing to do THIS? But does tanning as a fashion statement in a homogenous society automatically equate to hating black people when dark skin has had historical contexts of being associated with being poor and of the working class and was avoided by richer individuals? Or is that reserved for the more extreme styles of gyaru fashion? Does it become more complicated with Japanese folklore of the Yamauba, the name for a mountain hag where the word "yamanba" comes from?

American Historical Context

In 19th century America, there were White people who painted themselves black, had overdrawn mouths and made a mockery of Black people as a form of entertainment. Black people were still seen as subhuman, buffoonish and stupid compared to their White counterparts. These shows were called minstrel  and there was a lot of blatantly racist art that dehumanized black people. 

These actors were not going against any fashion trends or creating their own, but to portray African American people for comedic purposes. These forms of entertainment lost popularity during the civil rights movement in the 1950's-60s.

2020+ and Changes

After posting a little more on Tiktok after such a hiatus, a manba makeup and fashion enthusiast reached out to me. I was informed that the new standard for Gaijin Gyaru was to not tan too dark and those that were not black or of a darker complexion naturally were to not overdo it with darker foundations; to be mindful and respectful of Black people. Looking back on the the kurogyaru wave during the Japanese Black Diamond era, I did notice that the girls in the group were tan, but not overly dark, save for a few young women. 

As the number of gyaru fashion practitioners has died down overseas and a lot of the girls having become shirogyaru (white gyaru) and choosing that over tanning, does the label of it being racist still apply? If the tanning trends lessen, and there are more shirogyaru because paler skin falls in line with the mainstream view of standard beauty, wouldn't that be just as insensitive to people with naturally darker skin or those who tan easier than others?

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Kawaii Gyaru Themed Wallpaper pt 3

 Here is the third installment for gyaru themed wallpapers. The theme for these themes (wowzers, thats a lot of "th" words...) is pretty in pink!

Nokia Phone
Technological nostalgia with a pretty twist. 

Quilted Cushion


Now, some wallpapers with a hint of pink. 

Pretty Dark Chocolate

Black Pink

Simplistic Black Lace on Pink Background

I do not own these images, but curated them from submissions on the web. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024


GAL Revo, short for Gyaru Revolution, by Miyu Yoshida is now available as a website! 

GAL REVO was founded in February 2014. We are the largest source for digital Gyaru magazines, as well as to archive other things GAL. We aim to provide HD & watermark free scans.

I have been a subscriber of Gal Revo for many years, becoming quite impressed with Miyu's sharing of a large variety of gyaru fashion magazines. She is the proud owner of an extensive, drool worthy collection of trendy Japanese gyaru fashion magazines, possibly out of all the gaijin gyaru.  And with her ig accounts as well as a brand newnwebsite, you can enjoy these scans as well, whether at home or on the go. 

Check them out here! 

Stay inspired!  

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Gyaru Spotlight: Ari Marie

 This (cross posted) Gyaru Spotlight is for Ari Marie! 

I met her around 2010 or so when she applied to a nago-sa project co-founded by me and LA. We didn’t give her a clear cut answer as the Chicago nago-sa/gyaru project was having internal issues that needed to be resolved first and foremost. Our bad for not being upfront about that when you applied. 

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Veteran Gals Vs. Newbie Gals

Its a thing currently. 

As I dive gently back into the realm of online gyaru worlds, I am met with tons of posts that I would have loved as a beginner gal. There is so much content out there to inspire and enjoy. Some things, also bring to light some of the darkside of Japan and several different fashion subcultures like Jiraikei.

Amongst the plethora of nostalgic fashion posts, or people debating whether or not manba is offensive to black people, I am met with posts declaring how mean and callous gaijin gyaru veterans are. I am met with posts about how ignorant and helpless newbie gals are.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

SHIBUYA! by softboiledegg

softboiledegg of the legendary egg gyaru magazine just dropped a new catchy song four days ago after sharing some behind the scenes clips on their Tiktok. I was curious how it will turn out as there were clips of gals doing parapara to a nonstandard beat in the background while two of them had close ups of them rapping/singing. Its also a bit refreshing to see a more recognizable gal makeup being worn by the main artists of the song. The song is also complete with some wild lyrics, but what could be wilder than opening your song with how fresh and clean.... you are from their song Gal is Mind?

Check it out here:

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Graphic Design, Gal, and The Name Game

So, sometimes things do not hit me right away for some reason. I am sitting here trying to update my sad lil Behance page with things related to graphic design work and I just want to nap instead!

ahh.. Good ol memories. 
I am glad to have worked with my gal sa crew over the years. I have not been one to actually work with people in school due to being reserved and also bad communication between team mates and art times having the work be dropped in my lap.

Anyway, back on topic, I loved brainstorming of what our logo would look like, picking and choosing our circle's name and font to try and lead what style direction we were going for and seeing how we should design our webpage and settling on copy for the web. 

It amazes me how much graphic design work, creative and artistic direction work had sat in my lap for so long when I helped with the non event related things for Black*Cherry and Gal*Luxy. If I would have tied more of my two worlds together a bit more earlier on at Columbia, maybe I would have had more design samples and would have liked the projects a little better. 

Too bad our websites have been deleted off though! boooo!

We picked and choose our font for our logo after deciding on a few names I had came up with for our circle.
I made a video in one of my classes to help promote our circle.

I do not recall when the trend of putting text blatantly on a picture came about, but it is shown here from about May 2010, created by LA. Putting text over an image was a BIIIG no no in my design classes. Ha! But you can spot this type of design almost everywhere now. She was ahead of the game.

As for the things hitting me pretty damn late, Yea BD aka BLACK DIAMOND. I am side eyein yall. Yall can call yourselves Black Diamond all you want and do your thang, but La and I were the original Black Diamonds. Get it? We were Black gals... in Diamond gyaru sa.....

Friday, October 28, 2016

The Toxic Gal Comm

Since this little bug has been in my ear for a while, I guess I'll post about it. I've heard people critiquing the gal comms as 'its toxic' blablabla. Ok. So?
First and foremost...
The world and its many subdivisions can and can be toxic. Gamer and tech worlds. Beauty worlds. Queer ones. Straight ones. Heteronormative ones. Poc ones. And that list goes on and on, ad nauseum. People can be mean. People can be assholes.
A fashion subculture or something 'different' isn't exempt and the people who participate in forums where people create rumours to best the competition and spread those rumors are toxic. 

But, if the phrase was reworded to atleast seem like a complete idea, then maybe I'd have more to say.
True it has given me a ton of headaches, but I got to meet people with inspiring talents and style and chatted with people all over the world which made me happy. I got to make events and meet people and give advice to aspiring gals or people who just liked the type of makeup I did.
More on this later...maybe.
Coments? Please share! 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

West vs East: Makeup Techniques


With new steps added into a full face of makeup, the Western makeup trend is a lot more sculpted than ever before. This ''instagram baddie'' look derived from the way drag queens applied their makeup has made way in the makeup world on and off Instagram for the past few years. People contour their foreheads, noses, cheeks, and chins; defining their faces and features with layers of makeup.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Super Gyaru Weekend

A few weekends ago, Eteria of Champagne Pop wrapped up another Harajuku Fashion Walk in the City of Chicago. It was a sweltering day, but the participants, decked out from head to toe to make the meet up and make a fashionable impression from the WaterTower to Millenium Park.

Friends and supporters, and even local camerapeople were there showing their appreciation of the event. Passerbys were astounded, some even wanting pictures with some of the stylish participants.

The weekend was concluded with a gal styled karaoke party and sleepover.

Stay tuned on the LishaMisha22 instagram, and twitter for upcoming events, panels, official merch and moments from behind the Gyaru Fashion blog of Chicago.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Hold That Pose For Me/might be a galvip article

2014? (date was deleted off)
So, as many of you probably know, I have dabbled in some modeling escapades over the past few years.
I had wanted to do so, and decided to take that chance in diving in, helping a few Columbia students, to working with some Chicago photographers in their studios.
It was definitely a learning experience, from going from:

San Fransisco, kawaii, Photo By Dolly
Photo Cred DollySO STIFF!!

I am no pro at this, but I feel like it has helped me at least drop a little awkwardness for photographs after someone saying something on the lines of "LEARN HOW TO POSE!" 

Chicago, Tunde Turner, Lisha, Gyaru Street Fashion
To learning how to pose and capture an expression.

I still get a lil weird with poses, but glad I was able to push myself further with some great pointers from people who knew best!

As they say, and it is true, we are our own WORST critics. 
I had to get used to angling my legs the right way and all that, and also not angling the face too up or down.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Golds Infinity on Yesstyle + Review

Sleeveless Lace front Dress
The soft colour of Chocobo feather

I was super scared putting this thing on my head.
 I didn't want it to fall off and break. D:

Though I usually don't use these words to describe clothes I own.... this dress is super cute, girly and flirty! I LOVE IT. I was tempted to wear and get the black dress while I was at Anime Expo, but decided against it. 

Being a one size fits all item, I was worried that it would not fit my boobs, rib cage area, or the straps wouldn't fit my arms and shoulders too well like with a lot of other clothes from Golds. But with this item, that wasn't the case! The chest area is snug enough to combat chest jiggles too which is a plus. 
As part of a wide array of gyaru brands, they are also pretty affordable compared to some of the counterparts in girly wear.

Con: The zipper gets a little stuck while unzipping when its on, but I think maybe a little wax rubbed on the zipper's teeth should fix that problem. 
It does need a bit of ironing to knock out some of the wrinkles.
Doesn't get much bigger than this size... yet...


So IF you all didn't know, Golds Infinity is now linked on as of June!
Check it out here! Golds+Yesstyle
There is also a 20% off sale on select items throughout the webshop 
and free shipping on orders over 25 bucks too!

My Picks!

Ciao ciao~

Saturday, July 26, 2014

B-b-but... You're Black!!!

Every so often, after however many months float by, similar questions always pop up in groups dedicated to gyaru fashion. These questions and concerns are not even limited to that niche group either. Even til this day, and maybe even for many years, it will still be a concern for Black people or POC who choose to express themselves beyond what is deemed "normal" for us. Even beyond hobbies and fashion.

Yes, people will wonder why you are into something that is not Afrocentric or considered "Black" or appropriate for Black people to do.
There is a huge world with a lot of things in it. Why limit yourself?

Yes, even our own people will wonder why we aren't acting or dressing "Black".
Being "loud" and or "ghetto" are the only ways we can be in this day and age?

Yes, people will probably think that you are ghetto for dressing differently or having unnatural shades in your hair.
Black people just can't win sometimes with some people!

Yes, people will think that Black people cannot be cute or kawaii, listen to things outside of rap or hip hop. Or shouldn't do anything beyond what is expected of us.
See above.

It sucks, it really does. But, are you going to let a few people and their shitty comments keep you from dressing like a Kawaii Cutie or Fabulous Gal? This even extends to the Cosplay community, or any community where Black people or POC want to branch off into.

Junko and Junji-Los Angeles

Miyabi-North Carolina

Amber-New York

So, gal, lolita, cosplay n00b$, if people try to mock you or say mean things to you because you are black and trying to do your thing, you get those doubts playing in your head over and over, pay them no mind, and rock your shit!

Go check out the tags with Black Lolita/Cosplayers/Gyaru and be inspired. 

Much thanks to those who submitted their pictures or let me use them!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Anime Expo 2014

Anime Expo 2014... Gee whiz. I met a lot of people again, familiar and new faces. I didn't do as much exploring the convention floor this year but that is ok. This year was a lot to take in all at once for me! 

Being from Chicago, the land of hotdogs and pizza, I had to try out Tokyo Doggie Style Hotdogs topped with savory curry and tart, crunchy pickled horseradish (?) on top. OMG, SO GOOD! ;-; 

Shop Staff!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Anime Expo :Be a Gal Fashion Model for 2014!

This year, The following Gal Brands will be showcasing their items for not only for purchase, but also for the Fashion Show!
KokoKim, Swankiss, Golds Infinity, Ghost of Harlem

If you have always wanted to be a runway model for a Japanese Brand for Gyaru gear, this is your chance for 2014! 

Sign Up here!:

Rather be a Shop Staff?
Send me an email on FB!

Deadline is June 15th!
See you there and Good Luck!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

R.I.P. Ageha...and Almost Everything Else

Soooo, every gal and their momma has been talking about the publisher of Ageha, Aneageha, I love Mama, and NUTS being so in debt, 3 billion yen, and the deaths of the beloved mags.The debt deal that the publisher incurred is beyond ridiculous! It sucks. It really does, but with certain styles dying down, people who did the styles like agejo growing older, it is no surprise. Also no surprise that the media is picking and choosing what it wants to show.

While others seem to be freaking out, im just here like:

I had already taken a hard hit when Soul Sister died. I wanted to collect as many magazines as possible when I had some better income coming in. And now that I kinda do (at least before career related things...) now Ageha has jumped the ship. 

Okies.... I can deal... Hopefully people won't jack up their prices on ebay when I search for issues I want.

But then, Egg has decided to call it quits too? 


So, what am I going to collect now? Or peep through when I visit Mitsuwa? What about the beloved Animal Talk and the silly cute illustrations? Maybe things will pop back up for the magazines. Even though I loved looking at the magazines, it was there for a reason. To help showcase styles and current fashion trends and what the stores were selling at the moment.
As I am in America, some of the items just did not fully apply because there were not a lot of Gyaru fashion being exported from Japan for Western Gyaru lovers. Now, things have changed thanks to shopping services and Not only that, but around the time I started, a lot of the gyaru found their items in their local shops and did the best they could! 

While people emulate what they see in magazine, I feel that the gyaru subculture here might not improve or grow JUST because the mags are not there! BOOO. There has already been girls dismissing the crazier styles because the magazines didn't show them, so I can only speculate what will happen if the mags never resurface. 

Hey... I may be wrong though.
But for now, we play the waiting game.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Otaku vs.Gyaru

Otaku is a term that usually people don't put in the same sentence as Gyaru
Otaku translates to nerd. (n.) a person with obsessive interests {such as manga and/or anime, and may lack in social skills especially with the opposite sex.} 
Also means "you" or "your house", in Japanese. A polite honorific.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

New Vid up!

I finally jumped on board with a Youtube "welcome to my channel" video! 
I am excited to release new video content on YT and try my hand at different things
than just make up tutorials! 

I hope you will enjoy what is soon to come on my channel and blog!
There will not only be make up, but attempts at hair styling tutorials,
my favorite products and items,
and guest appearances from other gals and friends!

Stay tuned!


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

GLAD NEWS : Webstore + Top 4 Pick

One of my favorite gal brands that I have been wanting to buy from since FOREVER has finally come to YesStyle and also opened up their own webstores! I have been fawning over their items for years, and now, the time has come that I, and all other Glad News lovers can shop from them without the hassle of trying to figure out shopping services, calculating shipping charges, and trying to decipher kanji if we are not fluent in Japanese!

GLAD NEWS webstore
GLAD NEWS on Yesstyle + FREE shipping!
GLAD NEWS official Facebook page

 Windy City Gal Top 4 picks from GLAD NEWS:
Lace Back Studded Applique shirt

One of the motifs associated with GLAD NEWS appears again with their roomy, lace backed shirt. It looks comfy, has lace detail (a hint of sexy that I love), and has this cute little guy on the front. What's not to love? 

Show your love for Tokyo with this Tank top.
Simplistic. Black. Casual. 
You can't go wrong with a black tank top with a bold font on it. Tank tops are a staple in my wardrobe, but simplistic ones I have yet to add to it.

Long Sleeve top
Long sleeve tops with a graphic is an essential for a wardrobe fit for a gal who pursues a rocker aesthetic. It pairs up nicely with distressed jeans or even a skirt with black boots or heels.

Dyed Pattern Dress
A peek-a-boo skeleton over this tie dyed style dress gives a nod to the 60's tie dye era. This would look lovely paired up with a black denim or leather jacket to add another layer of cool. I usually wear a ton of black, but something like this would be a nice change up!

Happy Shopping!

Featured Post

Extreme Gyaru Style Guide UPDATE

The heavier make up and tan styles guide UPDATE  (12/15/2010) I read on a blog regarding gal make up, and I spotted some misinformation ther...