Showing posts with label graphic design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label graphic design. Show all posts

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Graphic Design, Gal, and The Name Game

So, sometimes things do not hit me right away for some reason. I am sitting here trying to update my sad lil Behance page with things related to graphic design work and I just want to nap instead!

ahh.. Good ol memories. 
I am glad to have worked with my gal sa crew over the years. I have not been one to actually work with people in school due to being reserved and also bad communication between team mates and art times having the work be dropped in my lap.

Anyway, back on topic, I loved brainstorming of what our logo would look like, picking and choosing our circle's name and font to try and lead what style direction we were going for and seeing how we should design our webpage and settling on copy for the web. 

It amazes me how much graphic design work, creative and artistic direction work had sat in my lap for so long when I helped with the non event related things for Black*Cherry and Gal*Luxy. If I would have tied more of my two worlds together a bit more earlier on at Columbia, maybe I would have had more design samples and would have liked the projects a little better. 

Too bad our websites have been deleted off though! boooo!

We picked and choose our font for our logo after deciding on a few names I had came up with for our circle.
I made a video in one of my classes to help promote our circle.

I do not recall when the trend of putting text blatantly on a picture came about, but it is shown here from about May 2010, created by LA. Putting text over an image was a BIIIG no no in my design classes. Ha! But you can spot this type of design almost everywhere now. She was ahead of the game.

As for the things hitting me pretty damn late, Yea BD aka BLACK DIAMOND. I am side eyein yall. Yall can call yourselves Black Diamond all you want and do your thang, but La and I were the original Black Diamonds. Get it? We were Black gals... in Diamond gyaru sa.....

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