Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017!

Good evening, loves! I do try to keep my posts early, but, welp, sometimes a late night post will do.
So, 2016 is finally over! To some, its good riddance! To others... its more on the lines of, where DID the time go?! *sweats*
For me, I'd like to hug 2016 or give 'em a playful 'punch' on the shoulder like one would do an old chum. I had a lot of adventures last year, from horseback riding, swimming, and meeting new gals. I felt really good to close the chapter for the previous year.

gaijin gyaru Lisha's nye celebrations
The Fam! Birthday girl was on fleek!
So happy to finish off the year in a place and mindset filled with more peace, love and things that spark my creativity even more, and enthralled to bring in the New Year with friends and good people. (ok... still haven't mastered the super power of duplicating myself just yet to be everywhere and with everyone to be at all the parties........)

gaijin gyaru Lisha's nye celebrations
Her outfit was too cute!!

For celebrations, I went to two parties where one I got to bartend at and the other I got to chill. Good vibes all around!
My phone died so I couldn't grab all the photos I wanted for the continuation of new year celebrations!
gaijin gyaru Lisha's nye celebrations
His "Keep Having a Good Day" series always encourages me to see the good in everyday
gaijin gyaru Lisha's nye celebrations

gaijin gyaru Lisha's nye celebrations
Styl-lish friends
I got to bartend at the event and I did not imagine how much champagne would be poured.... 
gaijin gyaru Lisha's nye celebrations
so much champagne was poured...

By the time I made it to Reina's..... My phone was dead. -_-; BUT! I partied til about 5am, ate some delicious chicken that seriously need a blog post of its own. I wanted to keep going... but maybe if I had scheduled some time off.....

Party pic stolen from Pandy

Anyway, it felt thoroughly great to ring in the new year. Cheers to new adventures!

Check out my webshop! 20%off on all items! Half the amount on hats will be donated to the Woman's Treatment Center!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Get Your Hustle On!

Photo cred Chicago Now

On my birthday, I got hired at a new part-time job downtown (an old birthday wish)! Though I won't be able to dilly dally as much during the weekends, I can at least get out the house more... even though its to be inside mostly. Its definitely a change of pace for me and I enjoy it so far.

I've met some talented and knowledgeable people and I am surrounded by gorgeousness. Also, I get to see all the Holiday decorations and festive lights after work!
Oh... have you seen the spectacular tree I posted on my ig from the Walnut Room the other day? Check it out! 

The downside.... Being in the Loop makes me want to shop! I'm already eyeing the makeup counters, and clothes shops! Oh no!!

If you can grab a table from the Walnut Room at Macy's, tell me what you enjoyed there. I heard it gets full with reservations. 
Until next time loves!

Check out my webshop! 20%off on all items! Half the amount on hats will be donated to the Woman's Treatment Center!

Friday, October 28, 2016

The Toxic Gal Comm

Since this little bug has been in my ear for a while, I guess I'll post about it. I've heard people critiquing the gal comms as 'its toxic' blablabla. Ok. So?
First and foremost...
The world and its many subdivisions can and can be toxic. Gamer and tech worlds. Beauty worlds. Queer ones. Straight ones. Heteronormative ones. Poc ones. And that list goes on and on, ad nauseum. People can be mean. People can be assholes.
A fashion subculture or something 'different' isn't exempt and the people who participate in forums where people create rumours to best the competition and spread those rumors are toxic. 

But, if the phrase was reworded to atleast seem like a complete idea, then maybe I'd have more to say.
True it has given me a ton of headaches, but I got to meet people with inspiring talents and style and chatted with people all over the world which made me happy. I got to make events and meet people and give advice to aspiring gals or people who just liked the type of makeup I did.
More on this later...maybe.
Coments? Please share! 

Monday, September 19, 2016

My Journey

Mental Health and Vitamins


This year in the journey of bettering myself and mood, I decided to look into B vitamins. I have added in working out into my schedule, positive affirmations instead of negative self talk, listening to different music that uplift than perpetuate negative moods, and also meditating and yoga. I wanted to do more in my daily routing to not only establish something constant, but to (hopefully) boost my mood and keep me going.

I researched a few things and had to take note that B6 and B12 are helpful with mood. Neesie, a Lolita I met at an anime convention, also told me that Vitamin D is also helpful. We don’t get as much of it here in the Midwest when it becomes cold because we aren’t outside as much to absorb it from the sun resulting in SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder. If you have dairy sensitivity or intolerance like myself, you may also be at risk unless the foods you eat contain enough of it.

Currently I have taken several months of B6 and B12, and will restock my supply along with some Vitamin D. It is still kind of summer, and I usually am in better spirits, but I will defo check back in during the Spring to see how well this new addition to my routine works! I may even buy a Happy Light!

Thank you for reading and stay tuned! Comments are always appreciated!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Living In Colour

So, even though it has been only like a few days after I moved, I feel really good. I can save a bit more, and start whittling down some payments for student loans (oh joy... I am just so excited...)

Lisha instagram photo
Student loans can kiss my ass

The days seem brighter and more vivid, and I have been getting in more moments of meditation and getting my head straight to really take on the rest of this year. I feel good and hopeful, more creative and productive, and even feel like creating new looks when I go shopping eventually.

Lisha instagram photo
Karaoke with the girlz

Every now and then, I go to a bar or a karaoke bar and relax a little bit. Singing helps more than having a quick drink because well... I tend to keep wandering back to thinking about something work related. >____>; How lame!

I feel a little bad that I had to put away a lot of my my gyaru and kawaii things up for a while due to my move. I know somethings I will definitely go back to or pull out for an event or a convention, but I guess this means I really have to focus on planning and working. ahaha. I will try my best to still look not busted or janky when I pick up another job.

Some weeks ago, The Artsy Maid Cafe had a super cute meet up at my favorite cafe downtown!
Artsy Maid Cafe at Argo Tea
We super Kawaii

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Bye Upper West Side

Yup... Two years has flown by and due to various reasons, I'm headed back to the South Side.
It sucks because I kinda like my neighborhood, but hopefully it will be a good thing. I will be able to sort things out, help my fam, and maybe even volunteer at my high school since I will be closer there. I want to do a little something different in my old neighborhood while I am back there again.

When I move back out again... I don't quite know where I want to move to. I think I'd stay in the city still.

Though the transportation in Chicago is better than some, it still eats up quite a bit of time especially heading to and from the north and south sides.
Oh wells. Maybe I should have learned how to drive a bit sooner due to the distance I will be traveling in my city! In due time......... right?

Debating on taking up another semester or so of school... But unless its online or night classes, I may not be able to.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

King of the Fall

Crossplay as Abel Tesfaye The Weeknd
I'm in my city camoed out, leather booted, kissin b(&*^%^^& in the club.

So, I decided to Abel-ify myself last night. I was having wayyy to much fun with this. lol.
It was on my mind for a while, so I decided to try it out. I used black eyeshadow, a bit of mascara, gel liner, and my dark brown eye brow pencil to create my brows, beard and moustache, and to also help with that sleepy, tired, and kinda stoned look that he always has going on... Well, save for some pictures where he is smiling. LOL

The Weeknd
The Weeknd
So moody!

Though I totally couldn't get my hair like his... nor a wig that I pretty much destroyed... I think I came pretty close for my first try!

Crossplay as Abel Tesfaye The Weeknd
And you have to do it all just to know where it gets you.

You can also check out my vine to see me lip sync to his song lol.

Until next time!!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy belated Valentines or Single Awareness day! After getting home from work and meeting a potential roommate, Sandra and I decided to hit up Sakura lounge for a Vday date of sorts.

My Galentine's date *w*)
idek lol

There was lots of singing and the place looked super cute with all the Valentines Day decorations! The night had started off slow, but gained some momentum as more people filed in to bring in some Valentine's cheer with friends and/or lovers.
Its always fun to sing and even more so when you sing with other karaoke lovers! Even more fun to photobomb people's pictures!! > : D


We sang a lot of fun songs... I had to sing some Nicki Minaj songs. heh heh heh. We stayed til like... 4am I think, I had a drunk old Chinese guy sit in my lap and gave me the juiciest kiss on my cheek (He was a total lady killer that night fosho)... then Sandra and I followed up with some nice early morning niblets. 

I got pretty sad that my VDay heart balloon floated away though! lol. 

Monday, February 2, 2015


So I watched the superbowl for the first time in YEARS! I walked in at the halftime show, and I liked it! I did enjoy people poking fun at Katy Perry on twitter though LOL. Talking about Wii remote controller wrist bands, and comparing her to the " The More You Know" from years past lol.

Hee hee hee

I also got super excited seeing Missy Elliot perform too! OMG! YESSSSS!! Her weave was so on point! ogjaerjkgeriogjeriogj;o

I also saw a super sweet tackle too at the last half of the game. Like, the guy swung in mid air on this guy he latched on to! Super cool. hehehehe

Well, Peace out Chocopies!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Uchi Con 2015

I decided to spontaneously make my way to my old stomping grounds to visit Uchi Con at the University of Chicago in Hyde Park. It was a relatively small convention, but there was a great turn out for the year!

Uchi Con 2015  At the University of Chicago

Friday, January 30, 2015


I started a new job last December and its going pretty decently. The only thing is... is that my new hours totally screws with my time for hanging with people and coordinating get togethers!
While people are eating breakfast and commuting... I am usually asleep. Just my luck, right?
One of the good things is that I don't have to deal with a ton of people on my way to and from work usually, so my commute is generally peaceful. I know I will miss it when I work during normal business hours! Rush hour....


Besides that, I had another Artsy Maid Cafe Meeting!

My Look:
outfit detail D.i.a.

Kawaii cool Outfit detail: D.i.a. belt and shorts

outfit detail cool D.i.a.
My jacket... The freakin zipper is BROKEN! ugh.... wtf.... 
Time for a new one I guess

outfit detail D.i.a.

I wore an old pair of leatherette knee high boots I had in my closet. The weather wasn't too bad... but then again, I didn't have to wait on public transportation this time around!
Artsy Maid Cafe Committee

Me and the Girlz... And Simon... LOL
I felt pretty excited with this meeting! Plus it was a lot of fun too. Can't wait for the Cafe to roll around though!

I also have been editing and stuff like crazy. @___@
Time to clone myself like forealz cuz this sitting behind a computer screen for hours tweaking things is a pain in the booty cheeks.

Peace out Chocopies

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy New Year 2015

This New Year Eve was celebrated at Murasaki Lounge in Downtown Chicago. The ladies tried various mixed drinks and sweet sake. I of course had my usual Japanese beer, Sapporo! The atmosphere at Muraski was lovely and an awesome choice to ring in the New Year.

The most special thing was that a new acquaintance’s friend was proposed to! It brought tears to my eyes as she looked puzzled as a group of her boyfriend's friends came to the bar, and then as he got on one knee. I did feel strange as I barely knew anyone there and didn’t know it was going to happen!

AWWW! NYE engaged

Bathroom selfiesss

We stayed til the lounge closed, talking with each other and also clownin with a group of people and gettin in that Japanese Language practice too! After the bar, we headed to complete our shenanigans at Sandra's, Allie's and Sidoni's hotel for our own New Year Hotel Party! We danced para para, sipped sweet wine, chatted, spilled flamin hots, listened to music, and had pizza gifted to us cuz we were just too damn cute and awesome. But, I do question the choice of pineapple and bacon pizza though....Just a little bit. ;p

"let it goooo" Saw Ari too! Her make was fab!

Squad! fly as fuck

goofin off

Photo bombed!! moohahahah!

gyaru. Para para
Para Para Snap


There are more pix that I couldn't nab yet still, but I hope that everyone had a safe and happy new year! 

Monday, December 22, 2014

Will the Real Lisha Misha Please Stand Up?

Omg, so it feels good to be getting back to normal...or at least MY normal. haha
Makes me pretty happy to break free from this big ball of stress that I had become due to trying to finish up school and a lotta other things.

STRESS is a MOTHERFUCKER I tell you! (excuse my French, please!)

But, I try to meditate, breathe and other things to keep things flowing, plus I have been doing more yarn crafts lately and just eating whatever some days. Like, is it bad to order a slice of pie, 3 burgers, and a soda from a fast food joint? :x haha!

Even my best friend noticed I was more myself too when she came over! That made me really happy to hear! ;-; I've been feeling kinda like a zombie or... I don't even know.. a werewolf?! But, now I feel mostly human... I think. :p

Anyways, Christmas is almost here! OMG. >___<
It still hasn't truly snowed here in Chicago, and I have not been in the Christmas Spirit this year. It's also freakishly warm for a Chicago December. Makes me wonder what January-March is going to turn out like.

I did go to a Christmas party at a bar though! Drank a lil more than I normally would have, but tis the season, right?! hahaha. Drink responsibly kiddos!

I have a couple of plans for bringing in 2015, so I hope they come through. Too bad there will be so many parties I won't be able to attend though! Time to learn how to clone myself....

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Knitting and Advertising

SO, I saw the commercial for Strange Hobbies, about a shopping service for groceries etc.
The guy is supposed to be "knitting" but everything is crocheted around him.


Yes, I am super aware of that. I am aware that I really haven't talked about my make up, or what lens I want to buy, or my shopping sprees of late. Like, who is interested in what I am eating or crafting anyway?! Maybe some of you are, maybe not....

Why does this even bother me so?! >____<; ugh.

Its just a silly commercial.... no need to get heated right?!

What commercials do you find yourself face palming at lately?

Friday, November 14, 2014

Fka Twigs

Fka Twigs

I went to see Fka Twigs at the Metro on Thursday night. My day went a little shitty, but I still made it out to see her perform. I went alone to the concert, a first , haha, but I enjoyed myself.

Sucks that I didn't take any pictures! My phone's battery died faster than usual. I had worn my white wig and a chain and just wore all black... I didn't have any pictures of that either. SHAME ON ME, right?!

The concert was kinda spiritual for me in a way. Yes, it moved me like none other!
I hope she will come next year so me and a old friend can go together next time. Maybe it will be when the weather is warmer so I can really dress up!

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT, I missed a different band's concert. Why did they have their concert on the same day? Geez!

I even met a new Colum person too! He is a music major and likes some of the same music as I do. I hope he was able to enjoy the concert too, and I wish him luck on his years at Columbia!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Hold That Pose For Me/might be a galvip article

2014? (date was deleted off)
So, as many of you probably know, I have dabbled in some modeling escapades over the past few years.
I had wanted to do so, and decided to take that chance in diving in, helping a few Columbia students, to working with some Chicago photographers in their studios.
It was definitely a learning experience, from going from:

San Fransisco, kawaii, Photo By Dolly
Photo Cred DollySO STIFF!!

I am no pro at this, but I feel like it has helped me at least drop a little awkwardness for photographs after someone saying something on the lines of "LEARN HOW TO POSE!" 

Chicago, Tunde Turner, Lisha, Gyaru Street Fashion
To learning how to pose and capture an expression.

I still get a lil weird with poses, but glad I was able to push myself further with some great pointers from people who knew best!

As they say, and it is true, we are our own WORST critics. 
I had to get used to angling my legs the right way and all that, and also not angling the face too up or down.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Goofin Around With the Shooping

I am so bored, a lil frustrated and dealing with off and on again creativity. I feel so anxious being out of college! But, sometimes, I do channel that anxiousness into a project or portfolio piece.
Anyways..... I got super bored... and was really inspired (REALLY INSPIRED) by Riri's feature and cover spot for W mag. My female roommate threw the mag away and I was pretty pissed off cuz I found an American mag I liked, but I was glad the mag cover was online though.

So.... I decided to use some past pictures from photoshoots and did a slightly mature/mainstream Gal Vip mag layout parody. (=^o^=)

gal vip lisha
Rihanna, eat your heart out! >:D
What's the must-have lust-have burando for the fall season?.... I have no clue, you tell me!!

gal vip lisha
Alternate "covers"

Here are some other pix I was thinking of using from old shoots.
The far right one... looks more like something for Halloween I guess. 

I had fun with this, even had some nice chuckles too. 

Until next time!
ciao ciao

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me


Another year has spun for me. A lot more lessons learned, more music listened to, more steps walked.
Today I'm just trying to chill out. Gelato, cheesecake and pizza in hand, listening to Jhene Aiko and Fka Twigs, trying to just sort out the rest of the day and also the rest of the year. Thinking a big &^#$& you to some things and just trying to soothe my overactive mind. Sometimes I think its a curse to be so creative and also not wall yourself off from people in the process.
Also still looking forward to my second/new job too.

A trusted individual and even the person who reviews my portfolio tells me to chill out and to be kind to myself. Like, damn... have I been that hard on myself and stressing that much lately? Its not like I don't have a reason not to, but gah...
Well, I'm gonna find something to watch or listen to and just do a lil something productive, like completing 50 million more job apps.

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Extreme Gyaru Style Guide UPDATE

The heavier make up and tan styles guide UPDATE  (12/15/2010) I read on a blog regarding gal make up, and I spotted some misinformation ther...