Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Nailing It! LM22 Guide to Nail

Lisha's Guide To Nailcare
Pt 1


Hair is done and styled to perfection. Accessories are carefully selected to match with your outfit. Your outfit? On point. The slayage is real.

Regardless if your lolita dress is on trend, or you are donning the most intricate sujimori ( a hairstyle that's teased and uses a layering technique with strips of hair), or happy just wearing jeans and a Tee, if your nails aren't done, or are broken, it knocks off a few points.

Entering the world on nails and nailcare doesn't have to be daunting at all.


The least one can do, especially if acrylic nail sets deem themselves too expensive or time consuming, is to make sure your nails are filed, trimmed and clean. Easy peasy.

  • Keeping a file that is not to abrasive (a file having a higher grit number) is best to shape the nails as desired.
  • Nail brushes and thinner metal nail files help remove dirt that is trapped under the nail. 
  • File in one direction as you go and keep the file flat against the nail.

Stay tuned for part 2 of this series; polish colours.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Super Gyaru Weekend

A few weekends ago, Eteria of Champagne Pop wrapped up another Harajuku Fashion Walk in the City of Chicago. It was a sweltering day, but the participants, decked out from head to toe to make the meet up and make a fashionable impression from the WaterTower to Millenium Park.

Friends and supporters, and even local camerapeople were there showing their appreciation of the event. Passerbys were astounded, some even wanting pictures with some of the stylish participants.

The weekend was concluded with a gal styled karaoke party and sleepover.

Stay tuned on the LishaMisha22 instagram, and twitter for upcoming events, panels, official merch and moments from behind the Gyaru Fashion blog of Chicago.


Sunday, July 17, 2016

Super Fashionable Weekend!

Anime Midwest was just last weekend, marking the time left that participants and planners have for the Super Gyaru weekend and the upcoming Harajuku Fashion Walk. 

Currently rererelearning the Night of Fire para para to perform sometime on Saturday. It was pretty cool to practice together with some new acquaintances. I think I may have caught parapara fever again.... oh my! 

Everyone is finalizing their outfits and hairstyles and I am still contemplating what I can throw together, Should I pile on the accessories, or go minimal?  Bold hair colour, or a natural colour? So many options, so little time!!!!!! 

Can't wait to meet new gals, lolita lovers, and other alternative fashion enthusiasts at the Harajuku Fashion Walk!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Harajuku Fashion Walk

Hey guys + gals.

 Attended a fashion walk.
