Wednesday, November 27, 2013

School's almost over

About a week or so ago, I went to see Dir en grey at the House Of Blues. I also met up with several other people that I havnt seen in a few years!
I have been slacking with some school projects... (; ̄д ̄)ゞbut i have been painting, sketching, and doing work for three art shows. So... thats still good....right? ('x') I think it is time to clone myself! :B ... or get an assistant.
I think school and being close to graduating is freaking me out! My mind is crazy town! I have never worn sweat pants so much until this semester. >_>'
There is so much I do and like to do that I am having a hard time trying to settle on something especially when it comes to working towards my career. Alan told me I didnt have to fit into any puzzle, but I would like to feel that I can fit somewhere.
I also hope you like the new layout guys and gals. Eventually I'll have more things finalized. Heh heh heh.

bathroom selfies with some music fans
old and new art. sorry Joe, your table is taken.

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