One of the most recognizable characters of the Playstation 2 installment, Wakka is a Blitzball player of the Besaid Aurochs. With his orange hair and bright clothes, he reflects the sunny, sandy atmosphere of the Besaid Islands. He is one of Yuna’s guardians and the coach of the Aurochs, a team who can’t seem to score a goal and is ok with just doing their best. When he happens upon Tidus and his signature move, Wakka is drawn to him instantly and snares Tidus in his grasp.
Rewatching the scenes of Final Fantasy 10 I started to notice something in Wakka’s behavior. Though Tidus needed a place to exist in the land of Spira with his core talent, was Besaid the right place to start off and with Wakka? A man who saw that there was talent in the young estranged Blitzball player? A man who only wanted to use Tidus for his own personal benefit for his failing team?
Rewatching the scenes of Final Fantasy 10 I started to notice something in Wakka’s behavior. Though Tidus needed a place to exist in the land of Spira with his core talent, was Besaid the right place to start off and with Wakka? A man who saw that there was talent in the young estranged Blitzball player? A man who only wanted to use Tidus for his own personal benefit for his failing team?

Now you may say, “How can you say that about Wakka?!” With just reviewing the first part of the game’s cut scenes I noticed that Wakka wants to win a tournament and tries to make it seem that it is ok for Tidus to refuse to help out a team. How can Tidus say no to playing his favorite game and what he lives for in life? Tidus has no choice but to say yes, entrapping himself in Wakka’s plans.
To further reiterate my point:
1. Wakka upsets Lulu by choosing to have Tidus tag along with their group. She had loved Wakka’s brother, Chappu, who looked similar to Tidus and had died years before.
2. Wakka even salted Lulu’s wound by giving Tidus Chappu’s sword, the Brotherhood Sword.
3. Wakka also does nothing when Yuna has been in the temple for too long. He stands by and watches as Tidus makes his way through the temple to save the summoner.
What do you think? Is Wakka a jerk for nabbing Tidus for his plans or not?
I would love to hear from you!
3. Wakka also does nothing when Yuna has been in the temple for too long. He stands by and watches as Tidus makes his way through the temple to save the summoner.
What do you think? Is Wakka a jerk for nabbing Tidus for his plans or not?
I would love to hear from you!
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