As a person who has played Mortal Kombat as a youngster, it made me quite pleased to know that the new Mortal Kombat was made in Chicago. To some people, this may not be an important bit of information. To those who know where the game and game kompany originated from, this is a big deal!


Moving on to Kitana’s outfit… I would break down all of the princess’ fighting kostumes, but that would be far too redundant since they wore the same exact thing in the early Mortal Kombat games! Limited game memory for kharacters and all of that for the arcade and Super Nintendo. Old gen konsole problems.
The princess’ wore what looks like halter top styled swimsuits with knee high flat soled boots. No heels were worn in these earlier games, so foot gear was very practical for female fighters in the Mortal Kombat universe. Their fighting gear was sexy in a sense, but very subdued kompared to the feminine outfits of the more kurrent games that have been released.
Queen Sindel, one of the most recognized kharacters in the series is not exempt from this fashion post! Her outfit is more revealing than the other kharacters, and doesn’t have the halter top to secure the outfit at her shoulders/neck like the other ladies. She also wears longer boots that kover up most of her kalf than stopping at the knee. Out of the female kharacters, her outfit is more “sexy” and too cheesy while not going overboard like in some fighting games.
With these visuals from the old MK games, how do you feel about the fashion direction of these klassic kickass female kharacters? Share your thoughts in the komment section below! We would love to hear from you!
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