Thursday, September 22, 2022

Nick Cave @ Mca


A man willing to risk it all for his art. That is the man I went to go see give a talk about his recent installation at the MCA. Nick Cave's talk has been my 3rd artist talk of the year, and this one called out to me the most. I came across a book with photographs of his body of work and I was intrigued. I liked the playfulness of some of his designs and his take on issues as well. His colourful forms and patterns was refreshing to come across after having instilled the mindset of realism and achieving high levels of detail was most important than the joy one can receive when making artist pieces.

Some of the take aways from this interview was that he believes in working with materials AND people that you trust is so important. Nick also likes to have moments in solitude at his studio even with a team of competent assistants. As time has passed, his art work is still created with found materials from outside. 

One aspect of his workflow that I admire deeply is his ability to jump into a project quickly without much preparation time or materials or the need to transport materials from his studio to an artist residency elsewhere. I am not sure the pace of his workflow, but to be able to not overthink the details so much surprises me. 

Have you seen Nick Cave's body of work before? Share your comments! I'd love to hear from you!

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