Tuesday, August 16, 2011

para para and eurobeat

I dont know if anyone who follows me is intereseted in this, but some links to some para stuff!
I will eventually post this in the topic post so it can be easily found.

I know i save vids from youtube on my youtube faves list, so you guys can snoop in there too


http://www.paraparaparadise.net/  (does not have music with the vids when you download!! sucks...i know)
http://www.para-center.net/ (thanks to D-tan for this linky!)

ill try and find more if anyone is interested!! and also!


  1. i love para para videos allot^^,thanks for posting them^^

  2. I'm a huge Para para fan with a slight problem - I absolutely can't dance. But I LOVE watching videos about it!


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