Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Goofin Around With the Shooping

I am so bored, a lil frustrated and dealing with off and on again creativity. I feel so anxious being out of college! But, sometimes, I do channel that anxiousness into a project or portfolio piece.
Anyways..... I got super bored... and was really inspired (REALLY INSPIRED) by Riri's feature and cover spot for W mag. My female roommate threw the mag away and I was pretty pissed off cuz I found an American mag I liked, but I was glad the mag cover was online though.

So.... I decided to use some past pictures from photoshoots and did a slightly mature/mainstream Gal Vip mag layout parody. (=^o^=)

gal vip lisha
Rihanna, eat your heart out! >:D
What's the must-have lust-have burando for the fall season?.... I have no clue, you tell me!!

gal vip lisha
Alternate "covers"

Here are some other pix I was thinking of using from old shoots.
The far right one... looks more like something for Halloween I guess. 

I had fun with this, even had some nice chuckles too. 

Until next time!
ciao ciao


  1. Wow Lisha! That looks so awesome! Vogue should hire you... hehe ^.^

  2. I definitely like the second, third, and fourth pictures of the alternative set.
    That last one with the gas mask looks like a music video still as well, hmm.

    Great job on these, ye.


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