Thursday, October 27, 2016

West vs East: Makeup Techniques


With new steps added into a full face of makeup, the Western makeup trend is a lot more sculpted than ever before. This ''instagram baddie'' look derived from the way drag queens applied their makeup has made way in the makeup world on and off Instagram for the past few years. People contour their foreheads, noses, cheeks, and chins; defining their faces and features with layers of makeup.

makeup trend, contouring , Anastasia beverly hills

On the other hand, gyaru makeup and make up trends from the East rarely contour as much. If its done at all, its fairly light for most girly styles. The only styles that broke this rule were Manba, banba and Kuro gal, and at times, goth and vkei styles. 

Heirofglee's contour

With gyaru makeup, onee gyaru for instance, many focus on a gentle nose contour and a slight sweep of it on the cheeks and maybe forehead. This is done fairly light compared to the trend in Western contour make up trends.

gyaru magazine contouring

eastern, gyaru contouring
mydarlingrainbow's contouring
Which do you prefer for your own makeup? Bold contouring, or more subtle?
Comments are greatly appreciated!


  1. I really love a subtle contour. Bold is okay sometimes, but for everyday, I like subtle!

  2. I like somewhere in the middle. I have a round face and without some contouring I look.... rounder. Lol.


Share your thoughts... I'd love to hear from you! Interesting insights may appear in a future post!

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