Friday, August 16, 2013

Be My Plum!

I felt like I should get a pair of brown lenses again. Only had a hazel pair back in 2011. I wasn't too into the lot of designs for lenses. I wanted something not too over the top colour wise like a light, bright brown.

So, I decided to grab a pair of Geo Plum Brown from Pinky Paradise. They were 19.90$ without shipping.

Cute vial and cute animal case
Diameter: 15.0
Water Content: 42%
Base Curve: 8.7mm
Life Span: 1 year disposal


The shipping took about a week or so from Pinky. The brown colour didn't show up too bright on my eyes. Its a bit on the transparent side than opaque and blends in nicely, letting the flower petal design peak through.

I know its bad to wear cosmetic lens for more than 8 hours, but I have from days that become longer than expected. (not recommended by the way) I don't get a lot of dryness with them, and no irritation even with the size of the lens. 

Colour: 4/5  
Comfort: 4.5/5 
Design: 4.5/5

This post was written around 2013-2014 or so, and I have not seen them have this style any more. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

W.I.P. and Sketches

I have been working on way to many projects this summer, and most of them involve art and portfolio work. I also got to show off some pieces at an art show in Chicago called Girl Talk at MultiKulti.

Purin portrait
Digital sketch+colour layout

This piece is based on a picture I took of Purin when we were working at Acen this year. I thought she looked super adorable with her bear hat and stuffed llama doll, and wanted to do a portrait for her. It is incomplete, but I will be getting back to it once I get some other things finished up.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Anime Expo 2013! (pic heavy!!)

Anime Expo's Gyaru Shop Staff

Gold's Infinity Gal!

property of lishamisha22
On Wednesday, I was invited to Anime Expo and flew out to L.A. to settle for Anime Expo weekend with Michi, Nino, Emi, Rosie, Rina, Hiromi, Stephanie, Cindy, Adri, Re,Tricia, and Victoria. It felt really surreal for me to meet the gals that I have chatted with or read their blogs for a few years now!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

3:57am~ chi-gal diariez

Side note:

Made an Ad for Purin and i's ANIME EXPO trip 

published by Leona Perine, property of me and

We are going to be Golds Infinity Shop Staff at Anime Expo! I am excited to meet MichiNinoshka, and a whole bunch of other gals too while I am there.

Black Diamondなんで?でも、今年にAngeleekのメンバーは??カンパスサーミットないか?あたしの夢はAngeleekに入ってえた。2007年に思ったよ。でも、日本語が本当に下手だった。

Whats A Black Diamond? And what happened to the Angeleek members? Or Campus Summit? It was my dream to be in Angeleek back in 2007. But, my Japanese was bad, and now I still don't know a lot of words. But... I try.

Before college, I wanted friends , even around the world, but, I am shy and I wasn't too pretty back then. hahaha. but now? A few years ago I was accepted into Diamond gal sa,and my style improved a bit.

B*C 1st Gen

そして、Black Cherryのギャルサーを作った。スタイルとへアメイクETCはたくさん練習したwwwwたくさんパラパラをしてた(笑)新しいギャルファンとギャルにさがしていた!新しい人を会った。
Then, we (me la, tomo, and murphy) made Black Cherry. I was still practicing my style (hair, make up, clothes), and I para'd a lot! (laughs). I met a lot of people during that time.
hard core huh?

前には、さびしかった。本当に恥ずかしかった。でも、色々人に会た。Dj SiSen,もっとDjな2人、Vocaloidな女。。。。
Even though at times I was sad or lonely, or shy, I was able to meet people like Sisen, a few Japanese Djs from Japan at acen, And Yuu, the voice of a cute Vocaloid character. Being dressed up sure helped me a lot, and even dressing up differently, or noticing someones make up or nails, seemed to be a nice ice breaker, too!
Because I liked gal and other fashion, I became less and less shy, and a bit more outgoing.


i guess.... its a bit difficult maybe...

I wanna make more art and a short film....
mini self portrait