Thursday, January 2, 2014

Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014!

This year, who do you want to thank? 
I saw this question being posed on Mixi, so here goes!The people I want to thank the most for 2013 are my x, my roommates, Golds Infinity staff,  My friends (gal and non gals). And of course my mom and my family for always being there. Thank you so much! I had a lot of opportunities this year, a lot of growing up and learning!
Its definitely time to start writing that long list of resolutions!

Also, pics from the Futuristic themed party my roommates and I threw.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Nail Spam pt1

My deco spam was a hit last time, so here is a nice helping of nail pr0ns! Sometimes we all need some inspiration for nail art or even deco-ing things, so I decided to make a compilation!
I also love to see people's nail art, so if you have 'em, share 'em in the comment section!
Part 2 will be available next month!
(all pictures are property of their respective owners, and I claim no ownership of them.)

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Nightmare Before Christmas

On the 22nd of December, Natalia organized another art show, this time the theme was Tim Burton's A Nightmare Before Christmas. Different artists that she selected showcased their work with Tim Burton themed paintings and drawings!

There were also two bands and two hip hop artists that played there as well. With the music, food, art and good people, the night became lively and inspiring.

The poster I created for the event

Cid Zombie's crazy works!

Natalia Sustaita's Work! And her super cute cookies and cupcakes!

Amil's Work

Mynor's works

Paul Thompson's work

Cafeteria Yesenia
4244 S Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60609
(773) 523-8480

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Gals snaps!

Here is some pix! It has been a while since I took these photos!

I still have to hunt through my old files for some of the meet pix. A little bit of a hassle when you dont have lightroom on your pc!