Friday, July 11, 2014

Breaking the Habit: No More Workoholic, More Beach

Besides the Watertower, I really like this building.
After reading a few article about Workaholics, I had to take a step back to evaluate my naughty habit of trying to keep busy almost all of the time. Yes, the first time I tried to relax during a month break from work and being officially done with school I had a panic attack. Lame, right?

Even an old teacher had asked why I wasn't taking a year off to do practically nothing after college. And all I could think of  was 'that is bizarre... why would I do that?' You do that before you graduate, then you bust your ass to try to pay off everything. 

But...did I miss a memo or something?

Fall lip colour test
So, on Wednesday, I decided to just chill in downtown Chicago. I checked out the WaterTower mall first after a quick lunch. Katie wanted me to try a purple/lilac lip shade from Smashbox. After trying various purple shades, I settled on a natural shade, "Sugar Cane".  I might also see what the fuss is about non drugstore make ups! 

A doorman/security guard wanted me to come into the jewelry
shoppe that was near Oak Street Beach. 
Some of the pieces were beautiful, and their main motif is the quatrefoil for good luck, prosperity, health, and love. I favored the pieces with black onyx. 

Glass art and timepieces.
Bountiful clovers.

 I grabbed their catalog to check out their pieces while I am at home.
I really liked their bag. I am a sucker for nice shopping bag design. 

Rather be doing some sort of work. LOL

Human Gazing
 As I buried my feet in the cool sand, I gazed off into the sky or watch kids play catch with a football. 
I could get used to this... I think.

Stopped here for a little Italian treat.

Choco + Hazelnut gelato

Being busy (or "busy") all the time isn't a good thing. You are most likely wasting energy and maybe just doing filler if you can't stand doing-nothing-at-all time. I know from experience. Its nice to take a break every once in a while and recharge and cool down.

Ciao Ciao

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Anime Expo 2014

Anime Expo 2014... Gee whiz. I met a lot of people again, familiar and new faces. I didn't do as much exploring the convention floor this year but that is ok. This year was a lot to take in all at once for me! 

Being from Chicago, the land of hotdogs and pizza, I had to try out Tokyo Doggie Style Hotdogs topped with savory curry and tart, crunchy pickled horseradish (?) on top. OMG, SO GOOD! ;-; 

Shop Staff!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

LishaMisha22 Is Back!

After a long while of throwing ideas around with several people, tweaking some things and fussing over templates......
Here are some Site updates!

  • Added social media buttons! Yippu!
  • Still sketching out ideas for a new banner but overall things are updated! Maybe fancier html stuff will be in order... but much later!
  • Also updated my Tumblr and finally got around to making pages on there for my art and also other stuff! YIPPU! I am pretty happy with it now.
  • I updated the Shoppe and Events tabs with some clothes and events and will keep those (more so the events) updated regularly!
  • General Sites maintenance!

So, at least I can chill out about the look of the blog for now.... Just need to get the portfolio site in order more. @__@;

Aside from all that, I am trying to get the finishing touches of packing and prepping for July! I will be attending Anime Expo again. I am nervous or maybe it is excitement! I have a vague idea for my hair style this year.... but clothes... no clue!  But, I cannot wait to see what my L.A. gals will be wearing and what items the brands such as Golds Infinity and Ghost of Harlem will be showcasing for this Spring and Summer collection!

Sadly enough, I will not be able to attend Anime Midwest again this year.But, I do hope to catch a lot of pictures of the cosplays that will be done there!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Anime Expo :Be a Gal Fashion Model for 2014!

This year, The following Gal Brands will be showcasing their items for not only for purchase, but also for the Fashion Show!
KokoKim, Swankiss, Golds Infinity, Ghost of Harlem

If you have always wanted to be a runway model for a Japanese Brand for Gyaru gear, this is your chance for 2014! 

Sign Up here!:

Rather be a Shop Staff?
Send me an email on FB!

Deadline is June 15th!
See you there and Good Luck!