Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Gyaru Themed Phone Wallpapers

 It’s been a long time since I’ve done gyaru themed items here on this blog. Posts about scenarios and what would you do in them and my mission statement, my values etc is great especially with what has happened with meeting new people who seem to be oblivious about that, but what about the MAIN topic of this blog, Gyaru‽ 

So, I’ve dedicated some time to finding some cute wallpapers that you can decorate your Home Screen with. If you need these in a bigger size, let me know. 


White leather, bow, and quilt 

quilting and gems

Blinged out pink theme

Pink,  black, and animal print

Old school, pre jirai Ma*rs Theme

Kawaii Floral Liz Lisa, pre jirai

Sweet Pink Chocolate theme

Not a gyaru brand, just really cute
Credit goes to the owners of these images.

Saturday, March 23, 2024



Hey rockstar⭐︎

Besides writing for my blogs & a site for gaming& tech, did you know I also wrote a few articles for GAL💎VIP?

During the year of 2012-2013, there was so much going on outside of Amerigyaru and college senior life. I was quite busy at the time, but it felt great dedicating some of that time and effort for the gyaru comm. 

I was given prompts to write about; very different topics than what I’d normally write about for my own blog or for the gaming/tech site. I hope my articles,(non alc.) beverages and managing S.A.D.S. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) helped you❤️. 

Mata ne 🌺

Monday, March 11, 2024

Spotlight: Atelier Pierrot; Size Range Increase!

I am so excited that a lolita brand, Atelier Pierrot is increasing their size range! As a J-fashion blogger and enthusiast, I am always impressed when brands are inclusive or become inclusive for other body types, whether it be Western ones or Japanese ones. March 11th starts their Plus Sized Fashion Festival and sale to cater to the Western and plus sized fans of their designs. You can now fawn over posts of their latest pieces on their social media.

Ebunny, a twitch streamer, singer and former onee gyaru, modeled for Atelier Pierrot and looks gothically amazing in the tiered skirts and gentle ruffles.

A qoute from her instagram:

"The Japanese elegant gothic lolita fashion community usually doesn't see someone like me representing brand clothing for lolita. As someone who's loved egl fahion for almost 20 years, I cannot tell you how proud I am to be a full figured, plus size, thicc, whatever adjective you like to use (lol) black woman modeling for a lolita brand in Japan. This is a type of representation I would've loved to see as a child, but sometimes you gotta be the change you wanna see!

Thank you to all the hardworking Japanese and non-Japanese staff at Atelier Pierrot for making the investent and effort to produce high quality lolita fawshion clothing in plus sizes. Egl should be for everyone to enjoy regardless of size, race, gender, height, etc. They are taking small steps everyday in the right direction."

You can follow the brand here to keep updated on their designs. And here is a link to the dress modeled by the lovely Ms. Ebunny herself.

You can follow Ms. Ebunny here on her IG.

Have fun!

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

SHIBUYA! by softboiledegg

softboiledegg of the legendary egg gyaru magazine just dropped a new catchy song four days ago after sharing some behind the scenes clips on their Tiktok. I was curious how it will turn out as there were clips of gals doing parapara to a nonstandard beat in the background while two of them had close ups of them rapping/singing. Its also a bit refreshing to see a more recognizable gal makeup being worn by the main artists of the song. The song is also complete with some wild lyrics, but what could be wilder than opening your song with how fresh and clean.... you are from their song Gal is Mind?

Check it out here:

If you are a para2x fiend and interested in learning the parapara shown in the video, they published the routine as well.

It looks fairly easy for people accustomed to the dance, and should not be too difficult for beginners getting their feet wet with routines.

Will you be learning the Shibuya! dance?