Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts

Friday, August 8, 2014

New Nail!

A new nail for a new month! This time, I wanted to go clear + a design instead of the usual glitter nails.

Nail station set up. I keep all my supplies that I will use over the next few hours close by. I have been doing gel nails for about a year or so instead of acrylics. Though they are said to be less strong than acrylics, I feel that they look a bit better. And for this project, they seem to come out a little clearer than acrylic solutions.

Before I really start, I try to either come up with a concept or look through various magazines I have for some ideas. I ask my self what kinda nails I'd like to sport like "What theme will I go for?" "What colour combinations?" and even length and nail shape style; 
oval, square, pointed, long, medium or short. 

I don't own a lot of colour polishes right now to do neon or pastel colours, partially because I just don't own anything of those colour schemes in my wardrobe!  

After deciding what I want to do, it is time to get the party started!!!!

I use nail form stickers mainly when I do my nails and nail tips when I'm being a little lazy.

Abstract design
 Nail length created, cleaned, smoothed and designed applied! If I do a design for my nails, I drop a bit of polish on my working space or on my plastic nail container bin and use that to dip my brush in. 

 I didn't have anything "cool" to hold, lol, and didn't want to grab my applesauce jar. hehehe.

I don't see a lot of posts of other people posting their nails up these days. Mainly face pix. Oh well.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Natural Hair Progress

I have never been the one to over perm my hair, or do it frequently. Maybe a few times a year and especially for summer to help combat the humidity on my hair when I style it.

A few years back, I had to take a hiatus on styling my own hair due to a mishap with some over bleached hair and a relaxer. Let's just say that the damage was not sexy at all!

No more blonde bangs, no more relaxing my hair, and eventually, hiding my hair away from using heat a lot so my hair could grow out.

Back then, my hair was barely past my collar bone.

From 2011 and then 2012 (using extensions, not only for
length but to also cover up my mishap! oh no!!!!)

Though the following picture doesn't seem that impressive, I REALLY straightened out my hair in the picture in the top left corner with oil. The top right corner is my hair just pulled taut. The bottom left, straightened a bit without oils. The current (kind of straightened) length is almost the same as the super straightened out version from the top left photo.

Two year difference

Its a bit of progress and the hair seems a bit thicker now as I trim off some of the scraggly and relaxed parts every few months. My diet swings from kinda ok, to omg, what the fuck am I doing to myself, so I probably am not getting all the nutrients needed for a flowing mane and all that. Oh well.
My bangs grow faster than the rest of  my hair which kinda sucks since I want the bottom parts to grow out more.

Hair Care

The products I am currently using are Tsubaki Shampoo and Conditioner from Shiseido that I got from Mitsuwa. It smells SO good!

Argan oil from CVS to oil my hair

I also use a blue oil that I got from the south side to help straighten my hair if I choose to wear it out during the winter. I don't do anything super special to my hair though besides this.

I know of a lot of people who are doing protective styles or have undergone the BIG CHOP. Have you and what's your story?

Thank you for reading! 

Also, A new video up on my Youtube Channel!
Check it Here!
Ciao Ciao

Monday, May 12, 2014

Review: Mary Kay Timewise Set

I bought this set during last summer to give it a test shot! I usually use a regular exfoliating face cleaner, but wanted to try something new. 


Step1 Refine:
2.5fl. oz. / 70g
Step2 Replenish:
1 fl. oz./ 29ml

You dampen your face, and squeeze out a little bit on your fingertips to gently rub on 
to your face (avoiding mouth and eye areas). I make sure
I exfoliate my nose and apples of my cheeks! 
 When you are done,rinse well then pat lightly to dry for the next step!
"Awwww yisss, smooth skin, here I come!"

 Then squeeze out a bit of the Replenish cream and gently apply to your face. Yes, you have to have 
the look of knowing you are gonna have some smooth skin like a baby's butt as pictured here!
All done!

Do these steps no more than 2 times a week. I do it once a week, and between 2-4 times a month!
This product has lasted me for almost a year! I also saw a difference in the size of my pores on the area closest to my nose. They are a bit on the small side anyway, but I still saw a difference.


  • Exfoliates your skin due to the small crystals in Step1.
  • Leaves skin feeling soft. 
  • Exfoliating cream lasts a while.
  • You save more money than getting the microdermabrasion treatments in a clinic.


  • If you rub too hard you can risk irritating the skin, causing damage and if you are of lighter complexion, redness.
  • You shouldn't use this in conjunction with other face cleaners that contain salyic acid. You will dry out the skin a bit more.
  • Sometimes I get the little crystals in my mouth when I wash my face off... 

Price: $$

You can check out their other products here!

This item was reviewed and not sponsored by Mary Kay

Friday, May 9, 2014

Balance it Out!

Windy City Gal's tips for Beginners!

Over the years, seeing gals try out gal make up, there have been a few things that got to me: the lack of balance. I think it is one of the things that grows with the person doing the make up to learn balancing out the aesthetics especially for the more extreme and heavier make up styles.

Balance issue: Think of your favorite (or a ) Drag Queen. Now, if you have a pic of them without their glorious locks but their make up is on in full, it looks kinda weird until their hair is on and poppin.

Pic from Rupaul's Drag Race

Cake faced glory

Got on one of my FAVE pairs of lens and Diamond Nudy eye lashes.... but no hair!! ARRGHGHHGHG!!!

Beady little eyes to steal your soul! D:

Weird, yea?! Well I look even funnier when I did Manba and didn't have my hair on yet!
Balance issue: A person doing super extreme Manba make up looks weird with super flat or no hair. The same goes for a person who wears super long and big falsies and bold bottom lashes without circle lens to balance out the lashes and take up some of the white space in the eye.

Hope these tips helped!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

New Diamond Lash Series

While I was on the Diamond lash site looking at pictures of the lashes I like best a few months ago, I decided to roam around the site to see the other products. I saw they had a few new series, Nudy Couture and the Model's Produced,  that I had not yet seen.
They are quite thin and usually would not pop into your head when you think of gyaru styled eyelashes. They are wispy and a bit shorter than their lash sisters in the other series. However, they are perfect for subtle make up and for work.

The Models Produce series

The Models Produce series have a style that are light and airy. The Nobel eye is almost on the line of demi lashes, but are a tad bit longer width wise. There are four thicker clusters on the lashes that add a little bit of feminine flair to your eye make up. 
The Lucks eye (sp) is not dramatic and give some lash length towards the outer edge of the lid. The Model Produce series seems to accentuate the outer edge of the eye. This series includes four different styles.
Nobel eye
Lucks eye

The Nudy Couture series

The Nudy Couture series is by fair their most natural looking lash series. People with longer lashes probably would not benefit from these length wise but perhaps give a touch of thickness to their own lashes. These are definitely great for subtle looks, normal wear, school, or work when you don't want your lashes to be too dramatic but still look beautiful. This series includes eight different styles.

Elegant Eyee

They have a pretty nice selection of natural lashes for people who go for that type of look and may not have very long lashes. I think people get lash strips done lash extension style, so I think they can add some thickness to lashes that way.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Ulzzang Madness!

The in thing is an ovally, egg/pizza slice shaped heads, and barely visible nostrils and nose bridge!
Pepa has transformed me and some other girls from our regular selves to a Beautiful , natural, and pizza/dorito shaped ullzangs!
Ms. Pepa
Ms. Ina
Ms. kels

In with the big eyes and out with your jaw line!!
Ms. Galaxxy

Me! before, much normal
Much ulzzang!

Such natural edits helps us achieve our dolly Ulzzang style! Who knew that Ulzzang  fashion was the way to go than gyaru?!1?

Matane , my chocopies!
oops I mean, Annyeong my kimbaps!

Editing done by Pepa. Photos from their respective owners. 
Silliness brought to you by Me,Pepa and the lovely ladies who let us use their pix

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Nail Spam pt1

My deco spam was a hit last time, so here is a nice helping of nail pr0ns! Sometimes we all need some inspiration for nail art or even deco-ing things, so I decided to make a compilation!
I also love to see people's nail art, so if you have 'em, share 'em in the comment section!
Part 2 will be available next month!
(all pictures are property of their respective owners, and I claim no ownership of them.)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Be My Plum!

I felt like I should get a pair of brown lenses again. Only had a hazel pair back in 2011. I wasn't too into the lot of designs for lenses. I wanted something not too over the top colour wise like a light, bright brown.

So, I decided to grab a pair of Geo Plum Brown from Pinky Paradise. They were 19.90$ without shipping.

Cute vial and cute animal case
Diameter: 15.0
Water Content: 42%
Base Curve: 8.7mm
Life Span: 1 year disposal


The shipping took about a week or so from Pinky. The brown colour didn't show up too bright on my eyes. Its a bit on the transparent side than opaque and blends in nicely, letting the flower petal design peak through.

I know its bad to wear cosmetic lens for more than 8 hours, but I have from days that become longer than expected. (not recommended by the way) I don't get a lot of dryness with them, and no irritation even with the size of the lens. 

Colour: 4/5  
Comfort: 4.5/5 
Design: 4.5/5

This post was written around 2013-2014 or so, and I have not seen them have this style any more. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Make Up vs No make!!

It is kind of amusing, this world, that if one always wears make up (if it is a bit more than "natural" make up) they are being "fake" or if they do not wear anything at all, they are "ugly". Or some people act like the world is going to fall apart if a girl who usually looks very pretty (from wearing some to a lot of make up), doesn't wear anything at all! 

A friend of mine sent me this video of Ms. Izumi Mana where people had made some big deal of her when she posted a photo with her make up on. 

Izumi Mana with out make up

For me, its like, BIG DEAL? But, when you are in the spot light all the time, when all eyes are on you and what you wear and how you dress helps solidify your identity (or part of it), I guess for some audience members, it is a big deal. However, they have to realize, that these idols, celebrities, make up gurus, adult stars, models, etc and so on, are people too and they are not "perfect" all the time.

Here are some more make and no make shots:

a three gal, three step process:
no make up, foundation+brows, then full face
Popular models before and after

How lashes and eyeliner can change the shape of the eye.

property of Leona J. Perine and please credit if used
My before and after. 

I would have taken some of the Western gals before and after, but I kind of just rushed with this post, and didn't want to show off the pix without their permission.

For another make up post, 
check out:

Friday, May 17, 2013


Busy week for this busy bee! Finals are over, Acen is here, and I will be in a friend's, Nikki Lynette's music video shoot. I am nervous, yet excited for this but I think it will be fun.
この週末はNikki Lynetteのmusic ビデオにいるよ。 楽しそうね
I have been making so many plans this month that it feels overwhelming, but I can't wait til they fall into place! I have been making plans on cute little projects for Gal*luxy and to also have members of the gal community participate in some way (any one remember my Western Gal vid I made a whiiile back? )

C2E2 Coord

Face and Make up/lash style

No Make, Full make


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sweet Look trial

So, Lolo is a super cutie gyaru that pulls off light,"natural" gal looks so nice!
 I usually only go light for job interviews, or when I am running late to class, but I decided to actually put forth the effort to make a sweet look.
Many of you may recall that I used to lay on my eyeliner pretty thick and bold! Even Rio said my face looked naked in the sweet looks.


Here is my sweet eye make style:

no liner, just lashes
i think i used celeb eye and a half of nudy lash for the bottom

Top liner and shadow + glamorous lash and half of nudy eye lash

top liner and half way bottom liner and shadow+ cats eye with a half wing for length, nudy eye plus a cut up lash from the beauty supply. 

These aren't in order AT ALL, but some different styles I was messing around with.

The only thing is, I don't dress "cute". Either casual or a more bold crazy sexy style.... Not sure what to do if I want to do sweet looks more often. O.o;;